Research - Artificial Intelligence
As with many of the great modern technologies that now seem commonplace, artificial intelligence, also known as A.I., could have its...
Research - More Super-Computing
Humans have always had an innate desire to create. We use these innovations on a daily, if not hourly, basis and never think twice about...
Research - Organic Circuits
Imagine taking out a thin transparent slice of plastic the size of a credit card which can unfold and become your laptop! This is the...
Research - Neural Implants
How do brain cells communicate? The average adult human brain is made up of about 100 billion brain cells! Brain cells, which are also...
Research - Cloning
What is genetics? The history of genetics began with the work of the Augustinian friar Gregor Mendel. Mendel’s research on the...
Research - Super-Computing
From the abacus to the modern computer human kind has always realized that our brains are not well suited for computing large scale...